ISLB 2024

Presenter Resources

Presenter Resources

Please click on the button below to download the ISLB 2024 Presentation Slide Template.

Important Dates

27 October (23:59 CEST)

Slide Submission Deadline – Oral Presenters

15 November (23:59 CEST)

Slide Submission Deadline – Invited Speakers

General Information

  • Presentation Time: specific to each session. Kindly check your invitation letter.
  • Power Point format: 16:9
  • Template: we encourage using the file available for download above.
  • File Naming: All Power Points should be saved and renamed as such: <Reference Number>_<Last Name>_<Presentation title>. Example: “T01.01_Bricalli_Test Title Slide”.
  • Disclosure slide: your second slide should be a disclosure slide. This is mandatory.
  • Your presentation must be prepared in PowerPoint2000 or any later PowerPoint Version (MS Windows) and provided on a USB-removable drive.
  • Set the slide size of the page to “On-screen show” and landscape orientation in the page set-up section. (Portrait orientation will not be displayed properly).
  • Use high-contrast lettering, and not too much text per page (max. 10 lines or 15-20 words). Make sure you use high-contrast colors for the best definition of your text. Please be aware that red letters or lines are usually not visible when displayed on a bigger screen.
  • As a general rule, you should not present more than 1 slide per minute. Visual material supports speech and should not be the transcription of it.
  • The inclusion of a disclosure slide is mandatory even if you have no conflicts to declare.It is recommended to keep a copy of your presentation at the time of the presentation, should a problem occur.
  • Please have the presentation printed on paper, for reference during the lecture.
  • Special characters: To avoid any compatibility problems, please do not use special characters (i.e. “, Ö, Ø, ñ, ?, ®, ý, }, { etc) to name your presentation or movie files.
  • To avoid font compatibility problems, use common fonts (Geneva, Times Roman, Helvetica). If you do not use the recommended fonts you should save the fonts with the presentation.
  • Audio Visual Technicians will be available in the room to assist you.
  • Confidence Monitor and clicker will be provided.
  • Kindly reach your session room at least 15 minutes before the start of the session.
  • A Speaker Ready Room will not be provided, all slides must be submitted prior to the conference.


For any inquiries, please contact [email protected].